Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment Services

Programs and Services

Center Based Services
我们在阿比林的休斯顿兰特里普中心提供一对一和小组应用行为分析(阿坝)治疗教学形式, 德州.

阿坝 therapy is a very individualized programming approach to autism treatment. Depending upon what is most beneficial and appropriate for clients, we offer both one-on-one therapy sessions, and small group-based teaching environments. 这包括由经验丰富的BCBA在语言技能领域进行的基于技能的评估, 社会化, challenging behaviors, 学术和日常生活技能,帮助您的孩子独立和有效地运作.

家庭自闭症谱系服务的规划包括有监督的技术人员进入家庭环境, 或者社区, to work one-on-one with your child. Clients generally receive in-首页 therapy to promote generalization of skills. 除了, 护理人员接受有关有效程序和如何持续利用这些程序的个性化培训.

If you’re interested in working for us, you can see open behavior technician jobs here.

HIPAA隐私 & 安全计划

To effectively understand why certain behaviors, occur and others do not, we must first understand the “how” and “why” of human behavior. 从功能和循证的角度理解这些组成部分对于制定最有可能成功的治疗方案至关重要. 阿坝 系统地分析环境偶然性的科学学科是否对行为负责. 阿坝 一般定义为应用行为原则改变特定行为,同时通过直接观察和教学试验数据评估干预效果的过程. 阿坝 emphasizes both prevention and remediation of problem behavior. 对引发和维持行为的先决条件和后果给予了显著的关注. 这种分析指导着我们的教学,使我们能够根据每个客户的具体需求来规划课程.

Over the past 40 years, 大量文献记录了成功使用基于aba的程序来减少问题行为和增加自闭症谱系障碍个体的适当技能, related exceptionalities, 以及行为过度和缺陷,这可能会给个人带来麻烦. 有许多国家和州立法支持基于阿坝的服务, 国际合作报告指出,阿坝原则对自闭症谱系障碍患者的治疗具有最显著和最令人信服的经验效力和支持.

Our Scope of Specialties

  • Functional Communication Development
  • 玩 & 社会化
  • Weakening Challenging Behaviors
  • Teaching and Strengthening Pro-social Behaviors
  • Adaptive Living Skills
  • Pre-requisites to 学术技能
  • 学术技能


  • 1:1 Ratio of Client to Therapist to Maximize Learning
  • Developmentally Sequenced Assessments and Programming
  • Regularly Scheduled Progress Meetings
  • Research-Based Approach
  • Qualified, Certified, and Licensed 工作人员
    • BCBA, BCaBA, RBT
  1. 填写我们的 在线申请, and insurance form, and turn them in with your Doctor’s referral.
  2. 我们核实福利,并从您的保险公司获得评估时间的授权.
  3. Schedule an assessment.
  4. 我们将完成评估报告,并根据评估结果制定治疗方案, 观察到的需求, and information from intake – up to 1 week may be needed for a complete report.
  5. Caregiver meeting to review report, recommendations and therapy schedule.
  6. 然后我们将同意的报告提交给保险公司以获得治疗授权.
  7. Begin therapy services!

Registration coming soon

瑞秋。古利特 是休斯顿兰特里普扫盲和学习中心的临床运营经理吗. 她持有McMurry University的工商管理学士学位和Hardin-Simmons University的工商管理硕士学位. Prior to coming to HSU and the HLC, Mrs. 古莱特在一家重型机械公司的最大部门做了几年的费用和收入分析师. She has been at Hardin-Simmons University in various roles since 2016. 在她空闲的时候, Rachel enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and pets.

阿什利Alwine阿什利Alwine 是一名认证行为分析师(BCBA),也是休斯顿-兰trip读写与学习中心的首席行为分析师. Ashley joined our clinic in January of 2022. 在此之前, 她在圣安吉洛的一家自闭症诊所担任了两年的诊所运营总监和BCBA. 她持有Angelo State University的心理学学士学位和应用心理学硕士学位. She became a BCBA in May 2019. 她喜欢和孩子们一起工作,并努力帮助每个孩子实现他们最大的潜力. 她还喜欢教家长们基于证据的程序,他们可以在家里和孩子一起使用. 工作之余, 她很幸运能嫁给她最好的朋友,并有五个漂亮的孩子. She enjoys spending her time camping, hiking, playing sports, and reading.

Brittiany柯克 is a Lead Registered Behavior Technician at the Houston-Lantrip Center. 她拥有德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校跨学科研究的文学学士学位,专注于儿童发展,以及澳门皇冠赌场平台特殊教育的硕士学位,重点是应用行为分析. Brittiany has been passionate about working with children for almost two decades. She has experience in many environments such as various special needs camps, 首页, 社区, and center experiences. 她致力于改变这些特殊孩子的生活. 布列塔尼非常专注和热情地看到与她一起工作的孩子们每天取得的进步,并取得了巨大的成功, using her exceptional play skills with the children that she works with each day.

约旦哈蒙德 is the Lead Receptionist, as well as a Registered Behavior Technician, for the Houston-Lantrip Center. Jordan has been with the Center since before its official opening in 2020. 她持有Hardin-Simmons University的沟通科学和障碍学士学位. 乔丹热衷于为我们诊所的家庭和儿童服务,并为他们提供特殊的支持. 在她空闲的时候, Jordan enjoys traveling, spending time with her family and friends, and playing disc golf.

赛斯迈尔斯 is a Lead Registered Behavior Technician for the Houston-Lantrip Center. 他拥有Hardin-Simmons University的言语语言病理学学士学位,目前正在攻读特殊教育研究生学位,重点是阿坝, 也源自HSU. 他承认,他很享受在中心度过的时光,也很享受与工作勤奋的同事们在一起的时光. 赛斯努力以身作则,在他的工作中保持乐观的精神,并热爱美国律师协会领域,因为它借给他的帮助天性. He looks forward to continued growth opportunities in this field. 在业余时间,Seth是一名音乐家,喜欢为许多不同类型的当地乐队打鼓.